
Employment Law for Employees

Helping Employees with Discrimination, Harassment, and Other Claims

"I want to take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation for the professional manner in which your firm handled my case. When I came to you I was apprehensive about the claims being made against me. You immediately assured me that my rights would be protected and my side of the story told. Your knowledge of labor law placed me in a comfort zone where I felt I was being properly represented.

To say the least, the results you achieved on my behalf were well beyond my expectations. Those of us unfamiliar with the legal process rely on others to protect our interests. In this regard, I could not be more satisfied.

Thank you again for your professional representation."

- Teacher Angela

When you experience an injustice at work, you often feel helpless. The company seems too powerful, knowing how to manipulate you and use the law to their own advantage. To fight such a strong opponent, you need a lawyer who knows the law just as well, and can use it to obtain the compensation you are entitled to.

The lawyers of Bellas & Wachowski Attorneys at Law have more than 25 years of experience in employment matters, and have demonstrated their skill and effectiveness through countless successful cases. They can speak with you about your concerns in any type of employment litigation, including:

  • Wage and hour issues, including overtime wages
  • Discrimination based on race, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, or pregnancy
  • Sexual harassment
  • Unlawful termination
  • Retaliatory discharge, whistleblower claims
  • Family and Medical Leave Act matters
  • Fair Labor Standards Act matters

The laws pertaining to the above issues are complex and constantly changing; we advise that you consult with an attorney before taking any other action. In all cases, however, you must give your employer a chance to remedy the situation. Your employee handbook should detail the policy for the internal handling of a complaint. If not, or if your complaint is not being taken seriously, you may have a case.

In all such cases, our lawyers seek out-of-court settlements that avoid the expense and stress of a trial. However, if employers do not submit reasonable settlement requests, our lawyers will not hesitate to take cases to court. We have appeared in state and federal courts throughout Illinois.

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Bellas & Wachowski Attorneys at Law is a client-oriented firm, giving each client close attention and service. We want to get to know you so that we can fight for exactly what you need. Our attorneys are available to clients and always respond quickly to calls. Please contact us today with any questions you have about employment law.

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